This is my Q&A or Frequently Asked Questions [FAQ]. Please read through these if you do have a question, if it still doesn't provide you answers, you may then ask!
1. Tools & Programs
Q. What art program do you use?
A. My main art programs are Clip Studio Paint Pro & Paint Tool SAI V1 (laptop) and Procreate (iPad)
Q. Do you use a drawing tablet or a mouse? What type is it?
A. I've previously used the Wacom Bamboo Pen (June 2015) & XP-Pen StarG640 (April 2020) tablets. Now I switch between an Artisul D16 Pro Display (February 2021) & an 9.7 6th gen iPad with the 1st Gen Apple Pencil (November/December 2023)
Q. What do you use to record/edit your videos with?
A. Open Broadcasting Software (recording) and DaVinci Resolve (editing)
Q. Are these programs free? Where can I download them?
A. Not all, but some do offer free trials for users to test out before making an official purchase. If you're not able to pay, here are some free programs listed below. Keep in mind this list may not be accurate if the creators decide to charge or discontinue these products altogether.
Free Art Programs:
FireAlpaca (Windows & Mac Friendly)
MediBang Paint Pro (Windows, Mobile, & Mac Friendly)
OneMotion - Sketch & Paint! (Online)
Free recording & editing software:
Open Broadcasting Software (Windows, Mac, & Linux friendly)
Filmora (Windows & Mac Friendly)
AZ Screen Recorder (Mobile Only)
Lightworks (Windows, Mac, & Linux friendly)
Flashback Express (Windows Only)
HitFilm Express (Windows & Mac Friendly)
Avidemux (Windows, Mac, & Linux friendly)
2. Art Related
Q. What brushes do you use?
A. SAI: Default brush for lining and custom made brushes found online.
CSP: G-Pen & Mapping Pen for coloring, shading & highlights, Grease and Dark pencils for sketching, Transparent & Dense watercolor brushes for soft shading and paintings & Various Custom made brushes by fellow artists as well.
Procreate: 6B Pencil for sketching, Technical Pen for lining, & Studio Pen for coloring/shading
Sites like deviantART, assets.clip-studio.com, tumblr, etc. provides free brushes, textures, and materials to download/copy to try out yourself!
Q. How do you get such smooth lines/What canvas size do you use?
A. I switch between using 3000x3000 & 4000x3000 depending on my need. Large canvases helps make your strokes appear smoother due to needing larger brush sizes. Size also varies depending on your computer's limits as it can risk serious lagging or crashing. Make sure your canvas meets criteria first so you don't need to readjust later.
Q. How long have you been drawing for/When did you start?
A. I began taking art seriously December 2014 when I was 13 years old. I've currently been drawing for 9 years and counting.
Q. Do you have any tips for a fellow artist?
A. Unfortunately no, as I'm not a teacher or wish to be. There's plenty of online resources, tutorials, advice and more already provided by fellow artists. All I can say is observe the material given & follow examples where needed.
Q. Did you ever attend an art school?
A. Nope, I've taught myself by learning from others. The only art school I ever attended was for photography only.
Q. Can I copy/trace/use/sell/edit your art in any shape or way for my personal use?
A. Nobody has permission use my artwork unless I specifically made it for you or you were given my permission. I allow referencing and being inspired from my work so long as credited is included & it's not verging on being a knockoff.
Q. Do you take art commissions? Where and what are your prices?
A. Yes I do, you can check out my info in the Prices & Examples page of my site! Please keep in mind my prices and art examples are firm unless I decide to change them over time to match the quality/demand and stay updated. I don't offer "free" commissions, commissions stand for a paid service. A "free" commission actually means a request.
3. Resources and Petitions
Q. I have someone looking for a commission/Can I recommend you to others?
A. Please do, I appreciate the gesture! Just let me know who they are so I can keep an eye out.
Q. Where can we contact you?
A. Any & all inquiries, questions, or concerns can be emailed at cosmic.wonder18@gmail.com. Social media DMs is reserved for casual conversations.
Q. Do you take requests?
A. No, I don't draw for free outside of gifts & fanart. If you'd like a drawing, you will have to pay for it, I don't make exceptions no matter the reason.
Q. Can you enter my art contest?
A. I don't enter competitions anymore, I haven't had good experiences with them and simply do not have the time or desire to. Please refrain from asking me as my answer will always be a no.
Q. Do you accept art trades?
A. Art Trades are only between close friends & mutuals, I've been burned many times in the past doing public
trades. Right now I only prioritize paid & personal work
Q. What do you accept as payment?
A. My current payment methods is PayPal, Venmo, CashApp in USD (U.S Dollars), Discord Nitro, (not Nitro Classic), or Steam Games/Gift Cards. Those are the only payments I accept unless stated otherwise.
4. Personal
Q. How old are you?
A. I am currently 22 years old.
Q. Where do you live/Where are you from?
A. I originally come from California, I currently reside in Alabama.
Q. Are you a furry/pegasister?
A. Furry: Yes, Pegasister: No. My only involvement in both fandoms is creating artwork though.
Q. What do you prefer to be referred to as?
A. You can call me Comet, Cosmic, Cosmic Wonder or any variation of those 3! My personal name is only used by those I'm close to & real life scenarios. I like to be referred to as he/him.
5. Miscellaneous
Q. Do you role-play?
A. Nope, don't have an interest in it. Please don't RP during conversation with me either.
Q. How do you not have more followers/Where are all your viewers?!
A. I appreciate the compliment but I create for my entertainment & enjoyment, not for fame.
Q. Can you check out my content?
A. Unsolicited advertising will be ignored and automatically declined, I do not appreciate these types of messages. If persisted, you'll be blocked.
Q. Can we be friends?
A. No, asking this makes me uncomfortable, it doesn't feel genuine to me & makes things awkward instead. I like to take my time building a connection through bonding & compatibility, it's not something I'll automatically give. I'm all for getting to know someone, but don't expect an immediate relationship.
Q. Can you send or donate free stuff to me?
A. Please refrain from begging stuff from me, I find it rude and it will always be a no.
Q. I have a question/Can I ask you something?
A. You already have. Jokes aside, please just state your actual question upfront. Asking a pre-question before your real one makes you appear suspicious or that your question isn't something to ask about in the first place. If it's genuinely harmless or sheer curiosity, you should have no problem saying it.