Anyone who has been blacklisted by me will not be able to receive my services again. This includes but not limited to: Commissions, Art Trades, Collaborations, Customs/Designs etc. Anyone who attempts to bypass this will be earn a spot too, by either:
A. Obtaining art for the blacklisted person, and are aware of their blacklisting
B. Going under an alt to attempt to receive my services again; which will result said alt(s) being blocked and added to my list as well
Those who've been blacklisted will not be publicly named, this is to avoid anyone tracking them down to harass or target the user(s) in question. Any art/designs they obtained before their blacklisting cannot be forcefully revoked, but still follow my T.O.S accordingly. However should their behavior continue or worsen later on, they shall be placed onto the Artists Beware website, to help spread awareness.
The Three Strikes Rule
The strikes are my 3 tier lists of offenses based around your actions & behavior towards me and others around me. These strikes only count if they involve my artwork and/or my services in any shape or form. However harassment can still earn strikes, so be warned.
1 Strike: Involve minor offensives such as rudeness & uncooperative behavior. Easily can be appealed if behavior has improved next interaction.
2 Strikes: Involves medium offenses such as delayed payments (if surpassed expected due-date that is not due to emergencies/life interference), responses, or misuse of my art/designs. This strike can be a little more difficult to appeal.
3 Strikes: Involves major offensives such as art theft, scamming, deceptiveness, harassment, breaking multiple TOS terms, or repeating previous minor/medium offensives more than twice. Results in immediate blacklisting; this is near impossible to appeal.
Even if the offender(s) have quit, deactivated, or moved to other social medias. The state of their activity or change of accounts/screennames does not discredit or excuse their actions.
Ban Appeal & Probation
Once placed upon my blacklist, there is little to no chance of being removed. The only exceptions are:
A. You have been falsely accused/framed for your ban or
B. You would like to own up to your mistakes and complete payment(s)
You may send me a message labeled as either: BL: Owning Up or BL: Falsely accused at my email cosmic.wonder18@gmail.com
If you've been falsely accused/framed, proof is required. I will not accept if they're:
- Cropped, heavily edited, or out of context.
- Does not fit within the timeframe of before and after your blacklist
- Hearsay
For those who would like to own up to their actions, you are required to:
- Submit payment that was owed, unless the payment in question is one I no longer accept, which would then be voided
- Explanation on what you've done wrong, taking accountability for your actions
- Apology for your actions
Please keep in mind for either scenario, it does not guarantee an automatic revoke of your ban. Each case is different and varies on the offense(s) committed. If verified the ban will be lifted and you are free to purchase my art/designs again so long as you follow my Terms of Service accordingly.
Also note any sort of hostile, inappropriate, or uncooperative behavior will result on not having the ban lifted.